
About Me

    My name is Peggy I am married to a wonderful man who is the best father and husband (ok not always but most the time lol) no he really is a wonderful person, father & man (I'm not always the best wife or mother either just most the time ;) but as far as my kids are aware of I don't know everything but I'm always right lol) but who is? Ok well I kinda took a detour for a min but I will do that a lot anyways as I was going to say this is my very first blog.....ever....I have read many blogs off and on never really stuck to just one but even though I have read blogs im still not completely sure how to actually "blog" if there is even a correct or not correct way. Everything that I have read about blogging has said to pick a subject that you are passionate about, well that's the problem there isn't one thing that I am passionate about. I love to venture into many things and switch interest so fast it makes my family's heads spins. One of my major interest is Crafting and not just scrapbooking but all crafts including making cakes I do love all things crafty. Unfortunately I do not have my own original far I'm a follower but that is probley because I go from one thing to another on the drop of a dime...I know I know that's not good but that's how I do things...ummm....maybe its because I'm a Gemini and always have to have something different lol. However even though I switch my crafts and may not finish the one I am working on at the "switch time" I still finish my projects it just may take me a little longer then most. So along with all my crafty projects I also love to make jewelry and take photos plus I sell not one but from 2 direct sells companies again part of my not being able to stick with just one thing in fact that seems to be how everything is I'm my life even with my last pregnancy I couldn't just stick to having one baby so I had 2 lol besides I already had 2 previous  singleton pregnancies/deliveries so why not have twins and boy were they a surprise well at least one was a surprise, my husband and I decided that our 3rd pregnancy was our last and well what we thought was one baby turned out to be 2 but that's a whole other story....see getting off my main subject I will do that a lot so be warned now :)....well ok my children are something I am very passionate about we have 4 our oldest and only daughter is 14 our oldest son is 10 and our twins just turned 4 and as much as I love to talk about them parenting isn't a subject I feel comfortable about blogging about, besides I do Not and I mean do Not believe there is a right or wrong way or black or white answer to parenting. I fully believe it depends on the parents, children & environment with the exception of the obvious...don't play in the road-don't do drugs-don't besides the obvious no no's each is to their own and to each issue. I will, no I'm sure I will blog some about my children husband our house hold in general ok so actually I probley will a lot but I'm not going to say this is the right way or wrong way of parenting. I will depending on my subject for the day/hour say what did or didn't work for me because well you never know who might be having the same issue and looking for advise and your blog might be the one :) Well so I have listen crafts all kinds cake making, photography, my family oh and also I love to plant flowers every year nothing major (however I am proud of my heart shaped flower bed my husband and I did) but I like planting flowers every year during spring. I love Christmas and decorating for Christmas my house always seems so undecorated when we put all the Christmas stuff up. So in general my blog will be about my family and our day to day lives along with my craft projects and what ever else happens to be going on. Oh yeah I cant believe I almost forgot my animals we have 3 dogs a miniature dachshund named pixie who had chewed up every pair of earphones I have ever owned plus a few other cords she has even got in my purse and got my iphone earphones and omg those are expensive I get so mad at her but I love her, then we have her half brother chompers who is half mini dachshund who wont stop digging under the fence and our last dog is half chihuahua  and who knows what else who has recently started to help dig under the fence fun fun, we also have 4 cats who I cant really complain about until they try to still the twins snacks then I just don't like them lol and last our daughter has a rabbit and well somedays the rabbit is the best animal/kid on our property lol. Ok I guess that's enough for my first post about me and my world. Im not sure how this blogging thing is going to go but even if I don't get many readers I am already enjoying it. So good night and sweet dreams or if your across the world good morning and have a nice day

*peggy* (not sure if im going to end all post with a signature just trying it out)

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